Welcome to SportsWise: A Podcast about Sports and the Law
July 30, 2020

Episode 2: The Sequel! De Smith and Dr. Chris Howard on the Return of the NFL, the Fight for College Athlete Rights, and Race, Sports and Society

Episode 2: The Sequel! De Smith and Dr. Chris Howard on the Return of the NFL, the Fight for College Athlete Rights, and Race, Sports and Society

De Smith, Executive Director of the NFLPA, and Dr. Chris Howard, President of Robert Morris University and member of the Knight Commission, join me for a conversation about the return of the NFL, the battle for college athlete rights, approaches to increasing diversity in NFL front offices and on college campuses, colleges cutting sports, and broader issues of race, sports, and society.  

Thank you for listening! For the latest in sports law news and analysis, you can follow Gabe Feldman on twitter @sportslawguy .