Welcome to SportsWise: A Podcast about Sports and the Law
Aug. 29, 2023

Episode 48: Sports Law Rundown- The latest developments across the sports law world

Episode 48:  Sports Law Rundown- The latest developments across the sports law world

Everything you need to know about the latest developments in the sports law world, including:

  • Conference realignment
  • Jim Harbaugh 
  • Reggie Bush
  • Sports gambling
  • Sports gambling heckling
  • Another brewing international chess controversy
  • Litigation involving the NFL and Major League Baseball
  • Bram Van Polen update

  You give us 22ish minutes, we’ll give you the sports law world.  

Thank you for listening! For the latest in sports law news and analysis, you can follow Gabe Feldman on twitter @sportslawguy .