Welcome to SportsWise: A Podcast about Sports and the Law
July 31, 2024

Episode 68: Lead Counsel for the NCAA, Rakesh Kilaru, on what the finalized House settlement means for the future of college sports.

Episode 68: Lead Counsel for the NCAA, Rakesh Kilaru, on what the finalized House settlement means for the future of college sports.

The NCAA and the plaintiffs agreed to the final terms of the settlement in the House (and Hubbard and Carter) antitrust lawsuits.  Rakesh Kilaru, lead counsel for the NCAA, rejoins the pod to break down the settlement and what it means for the future of college sports. We discuss:

1) The amount of revenue shared with athletes;
2) The new rules for NIL deals and collectives;
3) Changes to the scholarship and roster limits;
4) The impact on Olympic sports;
5) The prospects of stability for college sports;
And much more!

Thank you for listening! For the latest in sports law news and analysis, you can follow Gabe Feldman on twitter @sportslawguy .